Milkotronic is company specialized in production of ultrasonic milk analyzers LACTOSCAN. Our milk analysers are user-friendly, rapid milk analyzers applied for measurement of fat, solids non-fat (SNF), proteins, lactose, water content percentages, temperature (°C), pH, solids, conductivity as well as density of one and the same sample directly after milking, at collecting and during processing. With the help of the milk analysers Lactoscan milk analyses pass from milk laboratories towards milk collecting centers, farms, and small dairy farms. With 12 V adapters, milk analysis can be moved on the milk collection trucks. Possessing high accuracy and speed, with minimal power consumption and lack of consumables milk analysers LACTOSCAN are attractive for the dairy industry. Easy usage, low cost maintenance and low price make milk analyzer LACTOSCAN suitable for dairy farms, dairy enterprises, milk selection centers and laboratories.
Милкотроник ООД изпълнява проект BG16RFPR001-1.003-0180-C01 - "Внедряване на иновативен продукт във фирма Милкотроник ООД"
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Yoghurt science and technology
70 (120 option) samples/hour
50 sec. (30 sec) measurement
Measuring parameters:
- Fat 0-25% (option 45%)
- Milk sample temperture (1-40°C)
- Density – up to 1160 kg/m3
- Solids-non-fat (SNF)
- Protein
- Lactose
- Added water
- Total solids
- pH
- Conductivity (G)
70 (120 option) samples/hour
50 sec. (30 sec) measurement
Measuring parameters:
- Fat 0-25% (option 45%)
- Milk sample temperture (1-40°C)
- Density – up to 1160 kg/m3
- Solids-non-fat (SNF)
- Protein
- Lactose
- Added water
- Total solids
- pH
- Conductivity (G)
Somatic Cell Counter
Lowest cost per test
Easy readable results
Measuring parameters: - Number of cell/mL:
100000 (*CV% - 5%);
400000 (*CV% - 3%);
600000 (*CV% - 2%)
Standard Automat
70 (120 option) samples/hour
50 sec. (30 sec) measurement
Measuring parameters:
- Fat 0-25% (option 45%)
- Milk sample temperature (1-40°C)
- Density – up to 1160 kg/m3
- Solids-non-fat (SNF)
- Protein
- Lactose
- Added water
- Total solids
- pH
- Conductivity (G)
70 (120 option) samples/hour
50 sec. (30 sec) measurement
Measuring parameters:
- Fat 0-25% (option 45%)
- Milk sample temperature (1-40°C)
- Density – up to 1160 kg/m3
- Solids-non-fat (SNF)
- Protein
- Lactose
- Added water
- Total solids
- pH
- Conductivity (G)
60 samples/hour
60 sec. measurement
Measuring parameters:
- Fat 0.01-25%
- Solids-non-fat (SNF)
- Milk sample temperature
- Density
- Protein
- Lactose
- Added water
- Total solids
Test strips for detection of adulterations in milk MST1
Test strips for titratable acidity MST2
Test strips for detection
of Maltodextrin and
Glucose MST3
60 (120 option) samples/hour
60 (30) sec. measurement
Measuring parameters:
- Fat 0-25%
- Solids-non-fat (SNF)
- Milk sample temperature
- Density
- Protein
- Lactose
- Added water
- Total solids
- pH
- Conductivity (G)
60 (120 option) samples/hour
60 (30) sec. measurement
Measuring parameters:
- Fat 0-25%
- Solids-non-fat (SNF)
- Milk sample temperature
- Density
- Protein
- Lactose
- Added water
- Total solids
- pH
- Conductivity (G)
Special design for the Chinese market
For more information, please, contact our local distributor.
60 (120 option) samples/hour
60 (30) sec. measurement
Measuring parameters:
- Fat 0-25%
- Solids-non-fat (SNF)
- Milk sample temperature
- Density
- Protein
- Lactose
- Added water
- Total solids
- pH
- Conductivity (G)
60 (120 option) samples/hour
60 (30) sec. measurement
Measuring parameters:
- Fat 0-25%
- Solids-non-fat (SNF)
- Milk sample temperature
- Density
- Protein
- Lactose
- Added water
- Total solids
- pH
- Conductivity (G)