milk analyser Lactsocan MCC milk analyser Lactsocan MCC milk analyser Lactsocan MCC
milk analyser Lactsocan MCC
Milk analyzer Lactoscan MCC

Users Manual

The function of the milk analyser is to make quick analyses of milk on fat (FAT), solids non-fat (SNF), proteins, lactose and water content percentages, temperature (0С), pH, freezing point, solids, conductivity as well as density of one and the same sample directly after milking, at collecting and during processing.
Working modes characteristics:
The program of the milk analyser has four working modes.
Measurement mode milk / dairy product – first type
Measurement mode milk / dairy product – second type
Measurement mode milk / dairy product – third type
These modes have been calibrated for the mentioned milk types before leaving the production facilities.
On customer's request the modes can be calibrated for different dairy products (buffalo, goat, camel milk, cream, ice cream mixtures, whey, recovered milk, etc.)
Measuring range:
Fat 0,01– 25% ( 45%)>
Solids-non-fat (SNF) 3% – 15%
Density 1015 – 1040 kg/m3
Protein 2% – 7%
Lactose 0,01% – 6%
Added water 0% – 70%
Milk sample temperature 1°C – 40 °C
Freezing point –0,4°C — –0,7°C
Solids 0,4% – 1,5%
PH 0 – 14
Conductivity 3 – 14 [mS/cm]

* Option, on customers’ request
** Density data are shown in an abbreviated form. For example 27.3 have to be understood as 1027.3 kg/m3. To determine the milk density, write down the result from the display and add 1000
Example: result 21,20; density = 1000 + 31,20 = 1031,2 kg/m3

The abbreviated form of the density is used also when entering data for samples in working mode Recalibrate, for example:
If the measured sample density is 1034.5 kg/m3, then in the menu for entering the samples parameters used for calibration, across the parameter Den = , you have to enter 34.5.
*** pH and conductivity measurements are optional and are embedded in the device on customers' request
**** Please, carefully read Appendix Freezing point.

Maximum permissible absolute error:
Fat ±0,1%
Solids-non-fat (SNF) ±0,15%
Density ±0,3kg/m3
Proteins ±0,15%
Lactose ±0,2%
Water content ±3%
Temperature of milk ±1oC
Freezing point ±0,001oC
Solids ±0,05%
PH ±0,05
Conductivity ±0,05[mS/cm]
The difference between two consequent measurements of one and the same milk could not exceed the maximum permissible absolute error.

Correct ambient conditions:
Maximum permissible absolute error is guaranteed in case of normal ambient conditions:
Air temperature from 10°C — 40°C (43°C)
Relative humidity from 30% to 80%
Power supply 220V (110V)
Maximum permissible absolute error values are in dependence on the correctness of the corresponding chemical method, used for component content determination. The following reference methods are used: Gerber – for fat, gravimetric – for SNF, Kjeldahl – for protein. The boundary for maximum variation of repeatability when the power supply voltage is from +10 to – 15% from the nominal voltage values (220V) have to be no more than 0.8 accuracy The milk analyser is used in conditions free of outer electrical and magnetic fields (except the magnetic field of the Earth) and vibrations.

Dimensions 290/300/330 mm, mass 5,0 kg
Continuous working time non-stop
Milk sample volume per one measurement 15 cm3 (= 15 ml)

Fig.1 Front panel
1. Display
2. Printer
3. Keyboard
4. Waste liquid pipe
5. Sample holder
6. рН probe
7. Buttons Up, Down, Enter
Fig.2 Back panel
1. Parallel printer interface (option)
2. pH probe input (option)
3. Platform scales input (option)
4. Serial printer interface
5. Serial interface RS232
6. Input 12 V
7. Output printer 12V (Datecs) power supply
8. Fuse
9. Power switch
10. Power 220 AC socket
11. Peristaltic pump
12a. Output
12b. Input
13. pH sensor
14. Fitting
15. Plastic tube
16. Stainless steel pipe
17. Serial number
18. Power cable
Fig. 3 Milk analyser principle working scheme
1. Box
2. Silicone pipe
3. Peristaltic pump
4. Norprene pipe
5. Pinch valve
6. Ultrasonic sensor
7. Milk sample
8. Perforated base
9. Drainage funnel
10. Waste liquids
11. Cleaning chemical
Fig. 4 Cable Description
Art. Number 30012
RS232 Interface Cable - Milk analyser – IBM PC
2. TxD
3. RxD
5. GND
Milk analyser DB 9-pin male
DB 9-pin female
2. Receive Data (RxD)
3. Transmit Data (TxD)
5. Signal Ground (GND)
Art. Number 10128
Probe pH with cable

Art. Number 30030
DC 12V Power Supply Milk analyser Cable
  1. GND
  2. No connection
  3. No connection
  4. 12V DC


Taking samples and preparation for analyses
In order to receive reliable results in milk qualification, dairy products and derivatives are needed: precise samples taking; correct samples storing (if needed to be preserved); correct preparation before making measurement. The rules and requirements for this are described in details in Appendix Milk sampling.

Making the measurement.
Preparing the milk analyser for working mode
1. Put the milk analyser on the working place, providing good ventilation and not in the vicinity of heat providing devices or sources. The temperature in the premises has to be in the boundaries 10-400C.
2. Check if the power switch (fig.2, p.9) is in "0" position and that the outlet voltage complies with the voltage indicated on the rating plate of the milk analyser. Connect the power cable 18 (fig.2, p.18) into plug 220 AC (fig. 2, p. 10)
3. Switch on the “POWER” button, which starts the identification procedure. For a short time the display (fig. 1.1) shows the number of the software versions, for example:

Milk analyser xxx
LCD vers xx
MA vers yy
MA ser. N. xxxx


Milk analyser xxx — is the time for measurement.
LCD vers XX — is display control software version.
MA vers YY — is the motherboard software version.
MA ser. N. xxxx — is the serial number – written on the rear panel of the milk analyser (fig.2, p.17).
If in the process of exploitation there is a need to ask a question the company-producer, you have to send the data, written on the display during the above described initialization procedure.

4.Till the milk analyser is prepared for work (at about 5 minutes) the following message is written on the display: “Getting ready”. Above pointed time is in dependence of the environmental temperature and increases with decreasing the temperature.

5. When the device is ready for work, a beep is heard and the display shows: “Analyser ready”. The milk analyser is ready to make analyses in mode 1 (normally Cow)

6. If you want to pass to another mode press the button Enter (fig. 1, p.7) and hold it pressed. The following message appears on the display:

Release button
to start menu

Release the button Enter. The display shows the possible working modes:

            Milk selector
Cal1 – Cow
Cal2 – Sheep
Cal3 – UHT
Final clean

Using “up”▲and”down”▼buttons choose the working mode and press Enter in order to start it.

Making analyses
Make sure the milk analyser is still during measurement. Vibrations may lead to inaccurate results.

To start measurement:
— pour the preliminary prepared sample in the sample holder (now you may use holders with different size - plastic and glass 100 ml) (fig.1, p.4);

Fig.5 Input pipe
Fig. 5.1 Placing a sample in the recess of the milk analyser;
The input pipe of the milk analyser (fig. 5) is knee-joint (mobile). Move it forward in order to be possible to dip its end in the milk sample and place the sample holder in the recess of the milk analyser (fig. 5.1).
— press the button Enter.
The milk analyser sucks the milk, makes the measurement and used milk sample is poured through the holes of the grid below the input pipe of the milk analyser and enters the vessel for collecting waste liquids (see Fig. 3 Principle working scheme of the milk analyser). During the measurement the temperature of the sample is shown on the display.
Ignore the results received immediately after switching on the milk analyser and after measuring distilled water. Make a second measurement with new portion of the same sample.

Displaying the results
When the measurement is finished, the sample returns in the sample-holder and the display (fig. 1, p.1) shows the results. For example:

D=dd.dd P=pp.pp
L=ll.ll W=ww.ww

F= ff.ff - measured FAT in percentage;
S= - measured SNF in percentage;
D= dd.dd - measured density in percentage;
P= pp.pp - measured protein in percentage;
L= ll.ll - measured lactose in percentage;
W= ww.ww - measured sample’s added water in percentage;

By pressing the button” Down” ▼ the display shows the second page, containing the results:

    Page 2 Results:
T=tt.tC pH=pp.pp
FP=-0.fff sol=0.sss

tt.tC - sample’s temperature;
pp.pp - sample’s pH result – if there is a pH probe connected;
-0.fff - measured sample’s freezing point;
0.sss - measured solids values;

By pressing the button”Up” ▲ display shows the third page with results:

    Page 3 Results:

L= ll.ll - measured Lactose in %;

By pressing the buttons “up”▲ and”down”▼, the operator has the possibility to pass from one page result to another.

If the device has an embedded option “Conductivity” and "conductivity measurement" started, the result is shown on the display, showing the basic results replacing lactose results in the following way:
In this case the Lactose result is shown on a new page - Page 3 Results.
xx.xx is the measured milk sample’s conductivity in [mS/cm]. If the results are outside the limits for this type of sample (see table from the Appendix Conductivity measurement), the cursor flashes after the letter С, reminding that the sample is not correct. On the printout it is printed as !!!.
If the conductiity value is outside measuring range (2-14 mS/cm), the following message appears on the display:
C=OutRg (Out of Range), and on the printout there isn’t any line with conductivity value.

Write down the results in the form. The results remain on the display till a new measurement is started. If the milk analyser is connected to a computer, it automatically sends the data to the computer and/or prints them.

Fig. 6 Printing the results
For more information for the printer see 8.2. Working with Printer.

Time: xx:xx:xx
Date: xx:xx:xxxx
Milk analyser 60 SN: xxxxx
Calibration 1 – UHT
Added water…………….xx.xx%
Freezing point…………˚C
Deliverer No……………….xxxx
This procedure prevents gathering milk fat residues and milk stone on the sensor. The milk stone consists of milk solids, calcium, iron, sulphates, magnesium, etc. All these substances form layer on the pipe and sensor’s walls, which leads to deviations in the measurement results and blocking up the piping.
The company-producer recommends usage of the chemicals, supplied with the analyser – alkaline and acidic (Lactodaily and Lactoweekly). You may order them separately or together with the analyser. Try to use only these chemicals for cleaning the analyser. In case you missed to order these chemicals the alternative is to use alkaline and acidic cleaning solutions for dairy, produced by one the companies, supplying such chemicals:,

Automatic cleaning the analyser
Analyser's contamination as a result of the irregular cleaning is the basic reason for inexactness during measurement. In order to be avoid this, in the milk analysers with peristaltic pump is embedded automatic cleaning. For this purpose the analyser has to be prepared on the following way:
The reservoir with the cleaning solution (Fig.2, p.13,14,15) have to be connected towards the analyser and outgoing pipe towards reservoir for collecting the measured samples and used cleaning solution, as is shown on Fig. 2.

Pay attention to the pipes in both reservoirs. The pipe in the reservoir with the cleaning solution has to be well dipped in the cleaning solution while the pipe in the reservoir with the already used samples and cleaning solution MUST NOT be dipped in the liquid.
Pay attention to the level of the cleaning solution in the reservoir. Add solution when the level is below 2/3!

Description of the cleaning procedures:
There are two ways of cleaning the analyser embedded in it – current and end (final) cleaning.

Current cleaning

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Milkotronic is company specialized in production of ultrasonic milk analyzers LACTOSCAN. Our milk analysers are user-friendly, rapid milk analyzers applied for measurement of fat, solids non-fat (SNF), proteins, lactose, water content percentages, temperature (°C), pH, solids, conductivity as well as density of one and the same sample directly after milking, at collecting and during processing. With the help of the milk analysers Lactoscan milk analyses pass from milk laboratories towards milk collecting centers, farms, and small dairy farms. With 12 V adapters, milk analysis can be moved on the milk collection trucks. Possessing high accuracy and speed, with minimal power consumption and lack of consumables milk analysers LACTOSCAN are attractive for the dairy industry. Easy usage, low cost maintenance and low price make milk analyzer LACTOSCAN suitable for dairy farms, dairy enterprises, milk selection centers and laboratories.